Daily Archives: 31 December 2021
Jacqueline Schoeman (née Leuvennink) matriculated (head girl) in 2008 and has since received three degrees, deciding to specialize in the field of AAC after ending top of her class in speech-language therapy. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) refers to a field of research, clinical, and educational practice aimed at assisting individuals with severe communication disabilities […]
Anelmari van Niekerk het haar 0/16 kriekettoernooi op ‘n hoogtepunt afgesluit nadat sy as die Boland-speler met die beste boulgemiddeld aangewys is. Sy het gedurende die toernooi 9 paaltjies platgetrek en 76 lopies aangeteken. Ons is trots op jou!
Lulah Killingbeck, grade 8, is currently 41st in the world in the under 16 category, boys and girls combined, in the World Equestrian Archery. Lulah is the youngest rider to compete in the WFEA World Rankings. Congratulations, Lulah! This is outstanding!
Baie geluk aan ons Top 10 van kwartaal 4 2021! Julle harde werk werp beslis vrugte af. Julle is puik!