The robotic team will be going to Port Elizabeth, to present their project, the FREDOM FLIGHT — HIV Drone Delivery System at the Radisson Blu Hotel from 24 June to 27 June. The team members are Kaylee Nel, Jessica Burger, Daniel Fourie, and Stephan Lochner. With the help of Mr Cook and Miss Prins, we are building and programming a drone that can deliver medication to underprivileged people who do not have access to viable roads to get to hospitals. Robotics is taught to the Gr 8 and Gr 9 learners by Ms. Larissa Lombard and Mr Donald Cook. Miss Sandré Prins taught robotics in the first term. Photo from left to right: Stephan Lochner, Kaylee Nel, Miss Sandré Prins, Jessica Burger and Daniël Fourie

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