The Bredasdorp High School choir went on a camp at Ruens College from 15 to 17 June. This camp was for them to work on their music, as well as on their dynamic as a ‘choir family’. The students worked very hard, with a total of more than 10 two hour sessions where they workshopped new music, learned techniques in order to improve their singing skills and to grow closer as a unit – which is currently reflected in their singing. The students all gave their utmost in each session, dedicating themselves to learning as much as they can about their music but also their individual talents. There were numerous game sessions – where everyone participated in order to aid in team-building, plenty of laughs and great dance moves accompanied of course! The students also went through a self-reflection and importance of their own identity exercise and encouraged one another in a manner that left everyone moved. We are very proud of these students, who wherever they go, remain an absolute stellar example of who they are as a group, but also the good that this generation have within them. They remain a power for positive impact made by students of Bredasdorp High school, in each and every interaction as well as their participation. They have all grown together, in compassion and understanding of one another. The camp in their own words: ‘The choir is much more than just improving musicality, it is a safe space for those who are considered outsiders. This camp has been one of my best school experiences yet’ – Matric student ‘Hopelik sal daar nog BAIE meer kampe in die toekoms wees, hierdie was die beste kamp ooit!’ – Matric student ‘The camp was a great success and just goes to show how much we can accomplish when given enough time. A perfect balance of work and fun’ – Choir assistant ‘I socialized with students I don’t usually speak to, we are truly one family now. Also the food was “chef’s kiss”!’ – Grade 8 student ‘Ek dink n koor wat mekaar se sterk en swak punte ken sal baie meer suksesvol wees, want op so n manier ken ons mekaar ook goed. Elke oomblik was ONVERGEETLIK, ek kan nie wag vir die volgende kamp nie. As ek die videos kyk wil ek net huil! Dit was n asemrowende kamp” – Grade 8 student ‘Die koor kamp was persoonlik een van die beste kampe wat ek al ooit gehad het. Ek het baie meer self vertroue in myself gekry.’ – Grade 10 Student ‘I’d do it again in a heartbeat’ – Grade 11 Student ‘Everyone in the choir now are like brothers and sisters to me, Ma’am, you’re like my second Mom now. ‘ – Grade 11 student ‘This is the best camp I’ve ever been on, haven’t had that much fun in years’ – Grade 11 student ‘I look forward to going on another camp, this one was the top of the chart, can we go back!’ Grade 10 student A tremendous thank you to Sunell Jacobs, who facilitated a 45 minute guest session for the students. Also thank you to Marguerite Leuvennink and John Belcher le Grange for their work in the capacity of choir assistants. Thank you to the staff at Ruens College for their hospitality and friendliness, as well as Carla Da Silva for the delicious choir camp cakes. Thank you to Mr. Pierre-Etienne Rossouw for his assistance and help, as well as Mrs. Simóne Rossouw, Choir Director, for arranging the camp and facilitating the training for the students.

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